Your integrity is a flashlightCategory: Starting the Journey
If you check in with your integrity, you'll probably notice there are lots of rituals of management that you can no longer condone.
Lots of things that were barely visible suddenly stand out, ready to be changed. Using your integrity as a flashlight in that way can become a central part of the journey. Sure, there will be big inflection points, big changes you and your colleagues will have carefully thought through. But a big part of the journey also happens when you and others say "Enough! I no longer want to do (xxx) the old way." |
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Have you experienced something similar in your own journey? What did you do about it? If you have something meaty to share, please add a link to an article, a video ... Feel free to agree or disagree with what I say, but always: please keep it on topic, relevant, practical. And of course, let's keep things respectful and kind. Please don't comment if what you say is off-topic or wouldn't benefit viewers of this page. |