Fake purposeCategory: Evolutionary purpose
Often we simply wrap nice sounding words around the products and services we offer... and ta-da, there is our purpose. Most likely, though, this is simply a "fake" purpose. Remember: purpose is not something we design or declare, it's a voice that whispers if we know how to listen and calls us to a better future.
It's time we stop the BS and face the fact that a true so much of what organizations do is destructive and that a true purpose is antithetical to continued destruction. In this video, I offer a simple but powerful test to see if your purpose is true or fake. Prepare for a possibly uncomfortable but absolutely worthy conversation about your organizations purpose! |
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Have you experienced something similar in your own journey? What did you do about it? If you have something meaty to share, please add a link to an article, a video ... Feel free to agree or disagree with what I say, but always: please keep it on topic, relevant, practical. And of course, let's keep things respectful and kind. Please don't comment if what you say is off-topic or wouldn't benefit viewers of this page. |